New Blog!

Hellooooooooo 🙂

So… I said on my IG that I had some new plans for my blog and this was it. I was having something like a “writer’s block” and just wasn’t really motivated to keep writing on the other one. I felt trapped in the concept I made for it (have you ever felt trapped in your creation? strange paradoxical thing). At first my blog was only going to be about overcoming BED but as time went by my posts started becoming more and more personal and I discovered that I couldn’t really only write about that. I love writing and I had caged myself to only publish entries about one topic, so this “corner”, “my miscellaneous corner”, will be my personal place to write about different personal things, mostly about how I’m learning to live a normal life again after having an eating disorder and such high levels of anxiety. There will be random posts, and some rants too. But of course overcoming BED will still be the main topic of my blog, since it still is one of the main topics in my life.

I added some new pages to the blog, one with some information about myself and this blog (every blogger did that, so I guessed I had to do it too…) and the other one with basic information about BED, for people who don’t know much about the disorder, or maybe for when you need to explain to someone what the illness is about. I added some myths about eating disorders to that page too and I expect to keep updating it as the time goes by, any suggestions will be much appreciated!

Now, why did I change the name of my blog? “I Didn’t Binge” means a lot to me actually, and I had a powerful reason behind it. I remember thinking when I was in deepest moments of my ED “I want to be able to say one day that in spite of everything I didn’t binge, no matter how hard it was”. I know it may sound a little silly, but it’s one of the reasons that keeps me going when I’m feeling weak. It still surprises me seeing that I haven’t binged in such a long time, and that saying “woah, I can’t believe I didn’t binge” isn’t just a dream now.

So, since I’m not using that name anymore I was thinking we could make a small section in my blog, a collection of all the times we didn’t binge, of our little victories. You could send me a description of how it was, how you didn’t binge and I could post it in my blog, so every time we feel weak they are there for us to see. I don’t know, you may find it a bit ridiculous, but just let me know what you think about the idea through the comments or through instagram. I’m also planning about adding another section with a compilation of all the tips that have ever helped me to deal with binge eating and disordered thoughts, I hope I can have it ready for next week.

I hope you liked this new blog, I will be adding things as the days go by and I will also make the spanish version of it as soon as I have the time for it. If you have any ideas, or if you’d like me to talk about an specific topic of BED recovery just let me know. Stay strong people! You got this ❤
